Monday, September 30, 2013

The Jungle

I wish I had before and after photos of our back yard because was a jungle. Supposedly there are coyotes running around the island, and I'm pretty sure they could have found safe refuge in our over-growth for years if it were not fenced in. Now that Brian has that area cleared, he has planted more fruit trees that I can name.

Finally, we have moved to the front. When I say "we" I don't mean "me." I'm allergic to working in the yard. It's not my thing, but thankfully it IS Brian's thing.

You wouldn't believe the hours that have been put into clearing the yard and digging up palms. I never in a million years would have guessed it would have turned into such a project.

But now we have a sandy yard, more trees than we need, and no design plan. We want to keep it as beachy looking as possible because...well... because we are at the beach. With that said, we are just now sure how to work with all the sand, what trees/shrubs to take away, and what to plant.

After much research and digging around, I hope I have found someone who can create a master plan for us. Fingers crossed.

(As always, click on the photo to see a larger version.)

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